Firefighters Extinguish Car Fire on Rt. 46 at Rt. 80

Friday May 24th late afternoon Engine 59, Squad 56, EMS 61 and Car 51 responded to Rt. 46 at the entrance to Rt. 80 for the car fire upon arrival of Car 51 the car was 75% involved in fire. As Engine 59 pulled up they used the bumper line and attack the fire and … Read more

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Budd Lake Fire Department Conducts Tender Drill

Saturday morning May 4th 2013 Budd Lake and Flanders Firefighters along with several mutual aid fire companies participated in a large scale tender drill in a section of town where recently a home was lost to fire that area of town is without hydrants so to calm the fears of the public firefighters honed their … Read more

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Budd Lake Fire Responds to Rt. 80 for Overturn Truck

Late afternoon on Saturday April 20th the fire company responded to the extension ramp to Rt. 80 east for a report of an overturned truck units arrived to find a logging truck on its side and diesel fuel all over the ground. Squad 56 and Roxbury Rescue 2 worked the scene cleaning up the fuel … Read more

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Budd Lake Fire and Rescue Handles Two Crashes in 8 Hours

In the early morning hours of April 28th units were called to Wolf Rd. and Alersgate Circle for a car into a tree with entrapment. Car 51 arrived and reported a car into a tree with heavy entrapment Squad 56, Rescue 77 and Rescue 97 worked to extricate the person from the SUV whose roof … Read more

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Squad 56 & E-53 Assists Flanders with Brush Fire

Tuesday April 9th Budd Lake and Flanders Fire Companies were dispatched to Mt. Olive High School for a reported brush fire. Flanders Brush 98 and Budd Lake Squad 56 and Engine 53 responded and used to hand lines and extinguished the 50 x 100 foot fire within forty five minutes there were no injuries and the … Read more

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Car Hits Rt. 46 Repair Shop

March 28th around rush hour a car lost control and smashed into the front window of Rt. 46 classic cars the driver had minor injuries as did the car that was in front window of the show room the glass and window frame took the brunt of the hit. The fire company remained on scene … Read more

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Budd Lake Firefighters Extinguish 52 Acre Brush Fire

Monday April 8th around one thirty in the afternoon 911 calls started to come in for a brush fire at the Mt. Olive Train Station in the International Trade Center a Township City Wide Dispatch was put out bringing Budd Lake and Flanders Fire Companies to that area as Car 50 (Chief Evans) and Car … Read more

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Budd Lake Firefighters Extinguish 52 Acre Brush Fire

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Budd Lake Firefighters Busy Day for Brush Fires

Sunday April 7th Budd Lake Firefighters were called to assist Washing Township firefighters on Naughtright Rd. in Washing Township (Morris County) with a large brush fire behind a house Squad 56 and Tender 57 assisted for abought one hour. About a half hour into the fire a call came in for a brush fire in … Read more

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