Lawn mower and Brush Fire

For a second day in a row this time in the Flanders section of town a contractors lawn mower caught fire this one was in the area of Kevin Dr. and Tinc Rd. Car 91 arrived and reported a fully involved mower and a pile of leaves on fire the fire quickly spread to the … Read more

Acadamy Training

Recently the department went to the Sussex County Fire Acadamy for some search and rescue training the department used their training building that is set up like a street with power lines and cars just like a downtown street. Crews took turns searching and rescuing people trapped on the first floor and second floor. Even … Read more

Halloween 24

The department went to the Sandshore Schools Trunk or treat that was held on Sunday before Halloween Engine 59 and some members dressed up and decorated the truck and gave out tuns of candy and had a great time meeting friends and community members. Then Halloween night crews went out all over town handing out … Read more

Landscape Lawn mower Fire

At approximately 4:30pm on Halloween BLFD was dispatched to a reported lawn mower on fire. Upon arriving on scene, Car 51 found a fully involved commercial lawn mower on fire with a small area of grass burning, Engine 53’s crew used the booster line with foam and made quick work of the fire. The company … Read more

Small Car Fire Rt. 206 Extension Ramp

Sunday morning calls came in for a car on fire on Rt. 206 extension ramp to Rt. 80 east. Cars 50 and 52 arrived along with Engine 59 and Tender 57 and found a car with flames coming from the dash and interior of the SUV Eng 59 using their front line had the fire … Read more

Lithium-Ion Battery Fire

Recently a homeowner called and said he had a fire in an area of his house with some batteries burring. Eng. 53, 59, Tender 57 and Flanders Eng. 95 along with Car 50 and 51 arrived and removed over 20 batteries from the home and continued to extinguishing some batteries still smoldering. After overhaul and … Read more

Rescue Handles Several Crashes

October was a little busy so far with some motor vehicle crashes all had no serious injuries all minor the Rescue assisted with cleanup and getting the roads open.

Making stops on Fire Prevention Week

The department was out in the public during fire prevention week stopping at some day cares and elementary school as well as the Lowes Safety Day. We had a great time teaching and showing off our equipment.

Transfer Station Trailer Fire 

Just after midnight on Tuesday the Flanders Fire Department was called to the Morris County Transfer Station for a trailer on fire. Car 91 arrived and had a trailer well involved and starting to light off other trailers around it a citywide page went out bringing Engine 59 and Tender 57 from Budd Lake along with Engine … Read more

UTV 1 Training

2024 Can-am Defender 6×6 Training on the newest piece of firefighting equipment for Mount Olive. This unit is a 2024 Can-am Defender 6×6 off road UTV that features a 70 gal. water tank and rescue capabilities for brush fires and rescuing lost hikers or injured persons on trails or wooded areas. The unit can run … Read more