Welcome to the Budd Lake Fire Department

OUR MISSION; It is the intent and goal of the Budd Lake Fire Department (Fire Division) to provide the safest Fire Protection, Emergency Medical Assistance and Education to both it’s members and the general public. The manner in which we will provide these services shall be systematically approached and in accordance with the safest practices and procedures of the Budd Lake Fire Department (Fire Division). Above all, it is the intent of the Budd Lake Fire Department (Fire Division) to provide the safest and quickest out come of any Emergency or Non – Emergency Incident that is confronted by the Budd Lake Fire Department (Fire Division).

Latest News

  • Drakestown Rd. Brush Fire
    Late Sunday afternoon a call came in for a brush fire next to 340 Drakestown Rd. in the Budd Lake Section of town Chief 50 arrived and had a fire around 200 x 200 feet and spreading. Flanders Fire was called for their brush truck and engine. 53 arrived and stretched the booster line for … Read more
  • Townhouse Garage Fire
    Thursday night after 11 pm calls came in for garage on fire on Tutbury Ct. in the Budd Lake section of town. Units arrived and engine 53 and tower 96 stretched lines on the fire and quickly knocked down the bulk of the fire. Units continued to operate hitting hot spots and overhauling the house. … Read more
  • Heavy Wrecker Training
    Budd Lake Fire did some training with our local towing company Bill’s Towing. The objectives tonight were discussing and showing how Bill’s rotor crane truck can be useful at MVA’s and other type of incidents. Crews walked around the truck getting to know all the tools on the truck. The crew did a lift of … Read more
  • Assisting Roxbury Twp.
    The wee hours of Saturday the Tender with 2 responded into Roxbury on Rt. 46 for a stump pile on fire. The Tender stood by and provided water to brush trucks and engines. The crew returned around 3:30 am. Roxbury Fire Departments Facebook post. https://www.facebook.com/reel/2437093963307080/?s=single_unit&__cft__[0]=AZVqJ_6E-usmBaa7TAPYdnmMwCCx044xvO9NDAWQW8Bs1Lo9hy3O8G2OKSc5yY7YuVDn_t_dv1MfbYsf3BhyGQ41VM-sJevnYZeWIvv0oSqaRKQm5vcqvwkoW49Gnci7kpApTCWkl1aVSGNmgIPb5d-n7h9_Ivn75Bu22rHRma–JwE9ITJSPg_CWbfaRmAidFCKFA_HDAdff3te5KzapvbY&__tn__=H-R
  • Attended Ramadan
    Recently the department attended the Ramadan celebration at the senior center, we love showing all cultures in Mount Olive support. Love our community.